

"Happy Fall Y'all! We have just experienced an interesting holiday here in our country.  It is a religious holiday where people sacrifice animals and share the meat with family, neighbors, and the poor to earn good favor with their god. There is an open "animal market" where people purchase their sacrifice. We were able to explain to our language tutor why we would not participate nor take the sacrificed meat — then later we heard her tell another woman that we did not take the meat because we believe JESUS was the final sacrifice.  We were shocked and excited to hear our language tutor explain our beliefs so well!

M. has begun working with the football team here. He is enjoying everything so far! There are around 50 college age local guys on the team so hopefully he can really build relationships with these guys. He will be spending two nights a week coaching, so ask for good chances to talk one on one with players. 

We are very thankful for a new language tutor that really pushes us and cares for us. She knows no English so we work hard to use the local language.  We both feel that we have progressed in language and we thank the Father. But, we still have so far to go so keep asking for His help!"




"Have you ever had one of those days when God just smiles on you? Well, I had a day recently that was going to be a total bummer. I had plans to get my computer fixed (couldn’t access the internet). So found a place to go and headed on my way. I barely left the parking lot when I had a flat tire.

No problem, I have changed many flat tires. Well, long story short, I broke the wrench and then the tire jack. Three hours later I finally drove away. Just saying, Jeff Gordon won't be knocking on my door to join his pit crew! Because of the tire debacle, I didn't get to the computer shop.

After having dinner out with my wife, I walked over to the place where I was having my business cards printed. I spoke with the manager for a bit and he asked me what I did, so we talked sports for a bit. He told me the owner used to be the Director General for this country’s Olympic committee.

I said "Really? I would like to meet him. Would that be possible?" He said that he usually comes in every evening.  He should be here in about 20 minutes. So I waited with the manager, had a cup of tea and made small chat.

Then I was able to meet this man who, as he explained, left the Olympic committee to put more energy into his business pursuits. I told him about our company and our desire to identify potential ways we can work with the various associations and make connections with many partners in sport. He said, "I still have a strong voice in the Olympic committee and I can help make appointments for you to meet different people.

I told him that I've tried to make a meeting with the Secretary General of the basketball federation. He said, “Let me call him.” So he arranged for me to meet this man the next day! 

As I walked home, I reflected on my day and what the devil wanted to discourage me with, God wanted to turn around and bless instead. Isn't that just like Him! I am so thankful for this opportunity, and praying that it will potentially open more new doors of opportunity."






"I got a phone call one week from a guy I’ve known a long time—he couldn’t give me his name because it was likely one or both of our phones were being tapped—but I knew his voice because I’ve been in this city for a while. He said, “I need you to do me a favor: do you have 30 Books, real important Books you could bring to someone in a parking lot? In a certain area?” He gave vague descriptions but I knew exactly where he was talking about.

So at the arranged time I showed up in a parking lot with these 30 Books, creatively packed, and realized the guy hadn’t told me who I was supposed to me—and I was thinking, “I don’t know how good of an idea this is!” But I trusted him and waited to see what would happen. To my left two guys walked up, and I didn’t immediately recognize them—but as they got closer I realized I did recognize one guy who had gotten a haircut recently. We greeted each other and then went to a coffee shop to visit.

The guys started telling me things they are involved in, including follow-up to internet chat rooms about Christianity, which is something going crazy in our country right now. They don’t have enough people to do follow up with all the Arabs who are interested in the Gospel; a lot of them are real seekers, and there is a system to go through before they are given a Bible. I didn’t know the Arabic word for hero, so I tried to describe it to these two men because they are heroes to me—and they asked, “Why do you say that? I told them that because of what they’re doing there is a good chance they will be persecuted. I told them they were my heroes and we were able to have a little prayer time together.

We walked to my car and I asked where they would like me to drive them, but they said “No, it would be too dangerous for you, just give us the Books.” And I tried to change their minds but they were very insistent—“ just give us the Books and we’ll go on our way.” So I gave them 30 Books in a heavy bag; one took one handle and one took the other handle, and they wove their way in and out of people as they walked down the street in this neighborhood. Thirty full Bibles would now be used to do follow-up. That’s a beautiful picture right there.

If I were not a sports rep, I wouldn’t be in this country to join what God is doing here! I believe God would have used somebody else to deliver those Bibles in this situation, but I was blessed to be able to do it. And for me, the long-term work is not going to be done by us—it is these nationals who are equipped to carry on the work when we’re long gone. Pray for us as we disciple the many Arabs who will carry the Good News to their people!"





            "My summer has been an extension of my spring semester at university. During the fall semester, I signed up to participate on a project and I learned I would be going to Japan for three weeks in June, 2014. I could not have been more excited! But at the time, I had no idea the amount of amazing things God would reveal to me about Himself and His kingdom.

            Throughout the spring semester, my team as well as every other team were put through training sessions that lasted three hours at a time. During these training sessions is when God took the time to show me how many of His wonderful qualities I have overlooked all my life. In the last five years of my life, I made myself believe I was more important than God Himself. My life became all about finding the perfect career path, the perfect school, and ultimately someday getting married and having kids. I never stopped to realize that the only thing God desires for me is to be obedient to Him. As long as I am obedient to Him, I am doing His will and everything I do becomes about how I can just be an extension of His love.

            In addition to learning that life is about how I can glorify God in heaven, I realized that God’s heart is truly for the nations. Every single nation on earth is in God’s heart and He wants to see every person come to Him.

            After training for four long months, the day of my departure finally arrived. Mexico is the only other country I have ever been to, and I went for family vacation rather than the purpose of evangelism. Some of the other girls on my team were worried about culture shock and going to temples and shrines, but I was not worried at all. All throughout packing and going through airport after airport and sitting on a plane for ten straight hours I had absolute peace about the three weeks to come. I was not worried about anything.

            Being in Tokyo, Japan, was unlike anything I expected or could have anticipated. Every day held something new for my team, and we were all learning new things. But there were times when some of us wondered why we were not experiencing extreme cases of culture shock as some other ISP teams were. My heart, as well as the other hearts on my team, changed during our second week when our fieldworkers took us first to a shrine and then to a government tower.

            As we walked down a long and wide gravel path to the shrine, the mood was solemn and heavy. We had no idea what we would see once we entered the inner courtyard of the shrine, and the heaviness increased when we finally got there. We stayed at the shrine for thirty minutes, watching and praying. We prayed again when we left the shrine.

            The shrine broke my heart. Watching people, tourists and natives alike, go up to the offering box and throw coins in and then bow and clap in their cultural traditions. I watched as people took time out of their workdays and some stopped by while they were out for a jog just so they could make an offering to this god. I wanted nothing more than to shake them and tell them, “The god you are giving money to does not exist. All of this is temporary and won’t get you anywhere!” But I held back.

            Heartbreak took on a whole new meaning when we went into Shinjuku, one of the biggest parts of Tokyo, to go up forty-seven stories in a tower to look at the huge city at night. None of us thought it was going to be anything serious, nothing beyond taking a few pictures of the biggest city in the world. But as we stood in the center of the top floor of this tower, the lit-up city surrounding us, our fieldworker began to speak. He gave us the facts about the state of the church in Japan. The truth is only .33% of people confess to be born again Christians. He went on to tell us that the need for Christ manifests itself in such different ways in Japan than it does anywhere else in the world. Poverty and homelessness in Japan do not look the same as in India. The need for Christ is seen in the tired and depressed faces of the people riding on the trains who do not talk to anyone around them, who fall asleep after spending sixteen hours at their jobs. He told us at that point that we were in fact experiencing culture shock, but it was “underground” culture shock. We were all being confronted with facts and statistics about what it is really like in Japan, and how the reality there can be even more spiritually taxing.

            The one thing he said that broke my heart was when he told us to look out at every single light in the city and know that each of those lights represented one or more lost people. There were lights everywhere. After our fieldworker spoke those words, our hearts changed forever. He told us we would be staying for a little while longer, and he wanted us to walk to each window and pray for every single light we saw.

            Going from window to window, looking out and knowing I was surrounded by people who do not know the deepest love of Jesus, made me realize how hopelessly dark Japan is.

            I went to Japan with a question in my heart. My only prayer was this: Lord, am I supposed to be on the mission field in another country? On the last day we were in Japan, I got my answer. I know with one hundred percent certainty that I am meant to serve on the international mission field someday. I do not know when it will happen or how it will happen, but I am remaining faithful to God as He takes His time revealing my next step.

            Throughout my summer, I have learned repeatedly that what Jesus said to His followers about the harvest being plentiful but the laborers being few is true. I have been set on fire for Christ for the purpose of furthering His kingdom. Every day I am determined to answer the call that has been placed on my life to reach out to the poor and powerless from all walks of life to share the love of Jesus with them. And I want all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to answer the call, too.

            God is in control of this world and His children’s places in it. He will never leave us, He will never forsake us. He is right beside us, and the only thing we need to concern ourselves with is obeying Him in what He is calling us to do."

Uttermost Summer Intern


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"Traveling overseas can bring out a few of my more ‘American’ personality traits: a fondness for punctuality, a desire to follow the plan, and a priority on organization. Those are not strictly American traits, to be sure. But many cultures simply dance to a different rhythm: things don’t always start or end on time, plans are subject to much change, and being organized is nice but not always a priority. I recently helped coach at a sports camp in the Middle East — planned many months ahead of time — and it was incredibly successful, despite endless changes to venue, sport, number and ability of participants. As with so many situations in life where things end up being out of our control, we learned to enjoy what did happen and not just push for what we thought would happen.

We learned about the grace of letting go.

One thing we observed at our camp is that sport does a body and soul good, regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status, or ability. It crosses social barriers — so a rich man’s daughter warmly embraces an orphan girl. It promotes belonging — so the able-bodied have fun playing with those living with a disability. It instills confidence — so learning a sport technique gives a reason to stand a little taller. It encourages leadership — so a quiet participant blossoms under the challenge of responsibility.  We might have started and ended late, had a fluctuating number of participants, and generally never known what each day would bring. But without fail, every day brought fun and friendship, a great reminder to me that programs and plans are not more important than people. Because these people! I wish you could have been there with us — to see the smiles on their beautiful faces; to hear their laughter; and to see Joy lift their darkness, even for a moment.

“Keep the thought that the mind of God is behind all things strong and growing. Not even the smallest detail of life happens unless God’s will is behind it. Therefore, you can rest in perfect confidence in Him.”
[Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, July 16]

The mind of God was behind our sports camp, and we tried to keep that thought strong and growing throughout the weeks. Many times what God does is beyond what we can see, but His will was visible to us as camp details changed for the better. New venues brought new relationships with local contacts. We went beyond basketball to also include soccer and special needs activities, accommodating far more participants than we anticipated. Truly, even the smallest details of camp happened according to God’s will, and as the days passed we learned to rest in perfect confidence in Him.

It was a beautiful experience, a tangible gift in so many ways. I am always glad for the opportunity to travel and meet new faces in new places. Because for a few weeks this summer, this American in the Middle East practiced adjusting on the fly, learned to see God behind all things, and appreciated the deep grace of letting go."

1 Comment



"Ramadan begins at the end of this month, but it already occupies the thoughts and conversations of many people here. We are often asked whether or not we fast. This gives us different opportunities to share the truth about our faith.

As we watch our friends and neighbors rush about trying fit everything in before the month of fasting starts and get prepared for Ramadan, we see the first part of this verse lived out: a people who walked in darkness.

The second part of the verse, however, becomes our prayer: that they would see a great light (Is. 9:2; Mt. 4:16)


Ramadan is an especially difficult and dry time, spiritually speaking. It is the apex of human effort in trying to earn God’s favor. The domain of darkness (Col. 1:13) is having a party. Our local brothers and sisters are often the target of intense pressure from their immediate and extended family during this month.

Please keep us and our neighbors in your prayers this month."





"Spring has arrived to our corner of the world. It is one of my favorite times of the year; everything is green and full of life. However, the mood of the people here does not reflect the hope of springtime. The reason: the upcoming Presidential election. Folks say that there is no more hope; that things will never change. Looking at things with my own eyes, it’s not hard to understand their attitude. But that’s why I thank God that my future is not in the hands of men, nor in a government. My heart’s desire is that those around me would have the same hope that I have: Christ in us, the hope of glory.

Pray that in this time of uncertainty and hopelessness about the country’s future, that our brothers and sisters would be bold in sharing the Reason for the hope in their lives and the Truth that has set them free.

Pray that our brothers and sisters would be rooted in the Word of God so that they would not be tossed about by “every wind of teaching” (Eph. 4:14).

Pray that believing young adults would seek and wait on the Lord in their daily lives, not yielding to the pressures of their peers.

Pray that the hearts of believer’s family members who do not know the Savior would be ready to receive the Good News."




"It was a great pleasure being part of the coaching event this year and it was a greater pleasure being around you and all the friends.

I am confident that more coaches from the Middle East must be exposed to this experience in the future and I will start raising funds to give 2 or 3 coaches the opportunity to join in next year.

I want to thank you and your colleagues for the professionalism and kindness that made this event a great experience that I will always remember and cherish.

Thank you for everything."





          "February is probably one of the hardest months to live in my part of the world. You are right in the middle of winter so you have already lasted 2 months or so, but have at least another 2 months left, so the end isn’t in sight yet. But I am thankful for good friends, a warm apartment, and plenty to keep busy with and praise the Father for. 

            February provided for a couple of good opportunities. The first was to play in a tournament in my city. We had five teams come in and play while we divided our team into two for a seven-team tournament. This was a great time. I got to connect with some guys from another team that I ran a camp with in October so it was a great reunion with these students. My team finished second, to our other city team. It was just a great time connecting with some friends and getting some basketball in while it is freezing outside. 

            We have had many friends in and out of our home. A few guys recently came over and watched the NBA All Star game with us. This was a good time getting to know them better. We often have game nights and friends over for dinner so there isn’t a night off usually. One of our other friends came over a different time and we had some great conversation. He was asking a lot of great questions and we got to share the Good News with him multiple times, so we are praising the Father for this. Continue to lift him up as he is one of our closest friends and most eager to learn more. 

            The university is still moving along. My language continues to grow. My teacher is such a blessing and her eager spirit always makes class interesting. They are always trying to take advantage of the Americans who study there, so we get many photo opportunities and chances to be shown off. Makes for interesting days. 

            Things to remember:

            1. That we can continue to push through winter. Summers are great here. Winters can be tough. Too much time sitting inside but too cold to leave. 

            2. The friends we have began sharing more with. Ask for openness for them, boldness for us, and the Spirit to be moving. 

            3. Patience. I want to be able to speak the language now, share completely now, and see fruit now, but this isn’t the case in life. Patience is a tough thing to learn."






"We want to give you a quick update on how God has answered your prayers in the last couple of weeks:

Signed a year contract with our club

After a long meeting with the director of our club, I had witnessed God changing the director's heart and increasing his understanding and partnership into what L and I are praying to see God do here. He agreed to let us use his brand new facility, free of charge, for our basketball training program.  (This is a dramatic change from a month before when he wanted upwards of $800/mo!!!)

Extended residency

Along with our one-year club contract, we were given six months residency, to be renewed for six more months in May 2014.

Discipleship opportunities are abundant

The young boys and girls that have stuck it out for the first full month of our youth training are having a blast, and they are starting to open up to us more, as they see our work and love for them.  Also by God's grace, I have started a weekly study in the Word with two of my national assistant coaches.  Pray for true 'renewal' and more understanding in these studies, and that they would learn to teach and study/pray with others as well."




"We have so much to be thankful for.

As we celebrated Thanksgiving this last month, I was able to reflect on all the amazing things I have to be thankful for. I’m thankful for the many friends God has given me here, the second family he has given me here, the amount of language he has allowed me to learn this year, getting to play a lot of basketball, getting to live and learn a new culture, and for all of you lifting me up and remembering me during my time here. These are just a few from the last year. Hopefully you'll be able to have a blessed Thanksgiving also.

November was a pretty routine month without a lot of different events going on. School has continued to progress and my language has made some great strides over the last 3 months. We have taught some of our friends Settlers of Catan so we can now play with them which happens almost every week now. The Father has continued to provide us with many opportunities to spend time with our friends and share good news. One of our biggest events was a student Thanksgiving party. It was a great time, see the picture above. We couldn’t believe it but we had more guys come that girls. It was a Thanksgiving day miracle!

December looks to be an exciting month, of course, with Christmas coming and the school semester ending. I will also be doing some vacationing for Christmas and New Years to escape the bitter cold that is on it’s way. I am excited and thankful for this opportunity.

Some things to remember and lift up for us.

1. To use our time during the Christmas season wisely. It is a great season to share our lives and good news with our friends.

2. Lift us up as we finish out the semester and prepare for next semester.

3. Ask for opportunities to share the good news, wisdom and seeing the opportunities, and boldness to share when they come.

I hope all of you are doing well."







"Fullness of life.  Abundant life.  Isn’t that what we all long for?  To have a full life… enjoyment, pleasure, friendship, serving others, rewarding work, freedom, peace.

This verse came to mind as I met with my sports team a few days ago.  Though it still makes the news, bombings and attacks of violence have become the norm of life once again.  Unfortunately, this year the situation seems to be declining, as each month has seen more violence.  In the past few weeks things have hit closer to “home”, as our sports team and sports partners have been impacted.  One team member’s uncle was killed when a bomb attached under his car went off.  A sports leader lost 2 of his sons when they were attending a funeral which was attacked.  My sports friends told me about the horrors they saw upon entering a local hospital after an attack.  One of our guards recently lost his brother-in-law in a bombing.  Such is life here this year.

Following the ups and downs of the past year, with many cancellations of projects and daily plans, the realities and challenges of life have inevitably worn on me.  I also have been increasingly aware of my lack of language skills to effectively communicate with those around me.  Study is good, but the restricted life due to the security situation makes it difficult to progress.  Thus God has led me to temporarily relocate for a season of study and all around life renewal.  I moved in September and plan to be there until next summer, when I’ll go back to the US for a few months, before returning next fall.  My aim is to focus on (the language) and I’ve been blessed with an good teacher, as well as 3-4 other women I meet up with each week to work on language and enjoy hanging out.  Being able to walk freely on my own in the city or pop into a local Starbucks to study a while… wow!  The freedoms and “full life” here are humbling at times, as I bask in it with such gratitude for this much needed season of refreshment.

During this season, however, my city is not far from my thoughts, and I do still plan to travel over for a visit every few months.  I was blessed with the renewal of my one year residency this summer, thus making it relatively easy for me to visit any time.  Currently I am here on one of those visits.  It has been very good to reconnect with sports leaders and my local team.  But it’s difficult witnessing the reality of their lives and the hardships, the fear, the frustration, the hopelessness they encounter every day.  This past week He has afforded me opportunities to just be His presence in their midst, listening with His compassion and love, while also encouraging and speaking His Life and Truth and Peace to their hearts.

The prophet Habakuk cried out to God about the situation around him… cries much like those heard today by many people in the region.  The difference is the hope he found in the salvation of our God.  In spite of all around him, he chose to see things through His eyes; eyes of hope and peace found ultimately in JC alone, the One who brings full, abundant life.  As I shared the Source of true hope and peace and prayed over my sports team at our recent team meeting, I wondered how and when will they ever know the peace that surpasses all understanding?  He is the God of hope when things seem hopeless.  So I trust He is at work in their hearts, drawing them to Himself, that they too might know and experience all that He is.

I will be here one more week before returning to the “freedom” of life in my new location.  My next trip this way will likely be in January, though I’m still able to keep in touch regularly with my friends while away.  I can’t help but feeling a bit “guilty" for the blessings He has bestowed upon me, especially in these days living here.  My dear friend, “Mary”, said the other day, “You know, I don’t want to be here any more. I don’t like my country now. This place is not good. We are destroying everything. Everyone is lying and cheating and you can’t trust anyone. We are afraid for our safety. I ask why God you made me (to live here)? I would prefer (anything else, but why here)?”  How do you reply to that, to the hurt, the frustration, the hopelessness my friends experience here?  While I cannot fully understand or place myself entirely in their shoes, I must pursue His perspective to see how our lives are intertwined for His glory.  His Word says He blesses us so that we might in turn bless others.  The challenge before me is now to seek out and be obedient to how He would have me to share His blessings with my friends and others I may encounter in other places.

Are we being wise stewards of His blessings?  What is He calling us to do with what He has given us… skills, health, talents, finances, abilities, knowledge, freedom?  It is the season of thankfulness and giving.  Interesting the order of those 2 US holidays… our gratitude should cause us to overflow with giving.  He does indeed bless us so that we can in turn bless others.  (Gn.12.2)  I challenge you to search out what that means for you today." 




"Hey everyone!  

Wanted to give you a quick update, thanks for your prayers in these things. God is answering!!

We are finished with the process for a 2 month visa with the local sports club (different from original plan to get it through Olympic committee). We began the process on the last day before our last entry visa expired!  Pray that we could move forward from this with greater faith and more radical obedience.  Pray for us to be an impact for the Kingdom while we are doing our job for the club.

We still have plans to talk with the Olympic Committee in the next month to come to an agreement about their support and partnership for the Basketball Training this year since they originally postponed it for a later day.  Pray that meeting would happen and for an extended one year residency, and a fair budget to be approved by them for us to start the training! 

We have started language learning.....using a NEW approach, and God brought us a wonderful language helper for the time being!  She will likely connect us with another person to take over after she has to leave next month.  Pray that we can have a long-term language helper set up by next month, and for us to stay committed to the large amount of hours language learning takes each week.

We have had a great first two weeks homeschooling in a co-op with two other foreign families here. Pray that we can continue in this well, and that our kids will grow strong in the Lord through it!

In the first couple of weeks back here, we have experienced the panic that can easily come when we are not sure how God is going to get things done.  Then, we repented when we understood that the panic was actually because we lacked the faith that God was really going to do what was needed.   Now, we can know the truth that our security, provision, and identity were never really in question all along!

24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep.25 And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” 26 And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.  Matthew 8:24-26

We are learning (as we also pray that all who read this will learn more too) that in order to serve our great God, we must learn to let Him serve us with His abundant grace and peace first.  He came into this world not be served, but to serve!  Then, we can go out into our day and serve Him in love no matter what the circumstance, having within us the "great calm".  

Blessings to you all!"





"It has been a full year thus far, replete with its share of challenges and victories.  The winter melted away into spring, and we were kept busy following up with the many people who had heard the Good News during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.  We saw the inception of four new men’s groups who committed themselves to gathering weekly for study, fellowship and community building.  At the same time, a women’s group continued to dive into the Word, as well as learn to invest in each other’s lives.

Workers continue to invest deeply in the lives of believers and non-believers alike, and are establishing a promising work at the second large sports university.  They have poured countless hours into the students there through English corners, sports activities, and many other activities, and have a weekly Good Book study focused on that school.  In addition to these things, they do a great job with the management of our sports company, keeping us legal and accountable with all the government regulations; and also spend rich time investing in the women believers, and also teach English on a regular basis.

Many hours have been invested in our local partners, and they continue to follow JC with a passion and willingness that is such an encouragement and motivation to those of us who are working alongside them.  They are leading with great passion in our small groups, in our weekly meetings, in our PR times, in our outreach programs, in Sunday services, in short term mission trip planning, in sharing with the lost, just to name a few.  They are working tirelessly to bring the Good News to the athletes and other people of this great country.  In addition, they have been busy training up other local leaders and other believers in different provinces in sports ministry.  It has been an incredible blessing living life-on-life with these guys, and we are privileged to be walking alongside these committed brothers and sisters."

July 2013

Our "sports tour" began a few weeks ago, when our team of 6 like-minded coaches met and traveled together. There, we conducted a 4 day basketball camp, as a "kickstart" to the newly established basketball school led by my like-minded sports colleagues there.  The days were full-on, consisting of 4 hours for girls in the mornings and 4 hours for boys in the evenings!  We had about 100+ kids participate in the camp!  Needless to say, we were all spent, but in a good way!  For me, this camp was quite different, as I was not the one in charge.  My sports colleagues, who live in there, coordinated and ran the entire camp!  Such an enjoyable and rewarding experience for me to see my colleagues lead out, and to get to be one of the coaches for a change!  He really blessed our team of 6 coaches with a tremendous sense of camaraderie and community, as we literally spent every waking moment together and still got on great!  However, our efforts as foreigners would be in vain were it not for our local partners!  Thus, a definite highlight was witnessing the strong team of young local leaders that bonded together to help us run this camp!  This established a solid foundation for my sports colleagues to build upon as they start the basketball school this fall.  At the conclusion of the camp, our 2 male coaches had a sweet time of fellowship and sharing Truth with the young male leaders who expressed genuine interest to know more of the One we pursue.  Good stuff to build on there!

Several days later, we said our tearful good-byes, as our amazing "sports tour" came to a close.  Our visiting coaches arrived overflowing with His grace and love, and weeks later departed exhausted, having been poured out for His name's sake in this dry and weary land where there is no water or Light.  Our "tour" was truly a gift of His grace, as we were blessed to join Him as He continues to shower His hand of favor over our sports efforts there.  We are thankful in these weeks to have been a part of both new foundations being laid, as well as building upon that which He has already established and continues to grow.  What a gift to share such an experience, grow together, and strengthen one another along the way, living out unity as His Body!  

His grace truly is amazing, as He entrusts us with the opportunity to work in the strengths He has given us.  Thus, with grace comes responsibility.  The challenge before us is to recognize what has He graciously bestowed upon us, in order that we might seize every opportunity to make His name great where we are."


June 2013

"Six years ago, 3 young leaders from a small village attended a training that led them to start the 1st sports training camp in their village.  As the team grew, the next year they went to another village in addition to their village. 3 years after the training, they are doing similar camps in 6 villages. Last year, leaders reached out to 15 villages in their state, 2 villages in the state are in the furthest corner of the country, and they commissioned a leader to one of the most unengaged countries in the region. It is hard to believe that this year, they are on the way to impact 25 locations in their state, in 2 countries of the former USSR block, and in the area of a Middle Eastern country where there are 30,000 Russian speakers. If you saw them on the street, you would never choose them as the best disciple-makers, but THEY ARE!  Praise God that He chooses people as He wills. 

In June, a team from a major city will travel to 30 locations in the darkest spiritual places in our country. There are not yet disciples in any of these places. Sports teams will be going by 2 to every place where they will live in the homes of local people, stay with them, and share the Good News using the platform of sports.

Please pray for them as by faith they decided to GO to places where nobody wants to go."



May 2013

"I hope you are doing well and staying strong, focused on the Lord and joining Him in His mission. Please pray for those on the field as we labor among populations where the gospel is not so known. This is a tremendous task as well as a sacred responsibility.Please remember to pray for others and me on the field. As Jesus proclaimed in John 15:1-10, without Him we can do nothing. Please pray that the Lord give us His grace and mercy and use us all to His full potential and help us during difficulties. God is at work. It is a privilege to continue to serve Him. I'm trying my best to fully give myself to Him, to be dead to self and out of the way, in order that His Spirit may live in and through me and reach this world around me for Him.Please pray most of all for the people here, that they will embrace Christ and make Him known. History is truly being made and God is changing the culture. I am so thankful how the culture is changing. The government failed to deliver the promised utopia. The entire society collapsed - morally, socially and economically. We are still paying the high price in daily life in many respects. This serves as a warning to the West, which I have communicated in previous emails and letters.

Today many of the people - especially the young people - are open to the faith. Postmodernism, Darwinism and Marxism is not being propagated here like in the West. The people here have learned firsthand that ideas do indeed have consequences.

They are hungry for real truth, yet are still in many respects still shackled by the lies left behind from communist thinking. It will take some time, but things are changing. Personally, please pray for me, that God will keep me pure and my heart 100% His. Please pray for me as I begin continuing studies online here in my new platform, God willing, leading to more teaching and writing. God has began opening doors in this area, as this culture is in great need of hearing the truth and how it applies to all spheres of His influence - art, music, science, business, government and culture.

The Lord has opened doors publishing here locally and lecturing in some of the universities. I'm excited and enjoying it. This may be the new door the Lord is opening for me and so I ask your prayers accordingly. God bless you as well in your mission field - wherever you live, your work and most importantly your family!

May the Lord grant all of us to be faithful about the task He has commissioned us to!"

April 2013

"As my American friends and I abide in our little neighborhood here, we are quick to rejoice over the little things that make us smile, and then to jump in amazement at the seemingly impossible tasks He accomplishes!  Last week we got excited upon discovery that we now can get fresh cherries in the market!  To add to this, one of us had the fun privilege of actually going out to the market!  (Considering that usually an local friend does our grocery shopping for us, so we foreigners do not have an noticeable routine, a trip to the market is a rare occasion to be celebrated!)  On a bigger scale, I was shocked and amazed to have recently been granted a one year residency, something for which others have applied and been waiting for over a year to no avail.  This is a huge feat attributed to the favor of God upon our sports work here!  These big and small celebrations are some highlights in our daily life in the dusty capital the past couple months! As the spring season of dust storms is passing, we find ourselves diving full-on into summer, where these current 100°F days will steadily rise another 20+°F before reaching a peak in July-August.  Thankfully it's all a dry heat, though!  No humidity does make a difference!  With summer also comes an increase in sports activities, although this year we've tapered things off quite a bit, only doing a couple of camps on a smaller scale than we have done in the past.

One cool new development is our relationship with the Baseball/Softball Federation!  Yes, they have one, and have approached us to help them develop!  God continues to not only open doors of opportunity for us, but also to provide the right coaches and the funding to make it possible.  A month from now, I'll have four qualified softball coaches visiting to conduct a week long coaching clinic and girls camp.  We're all pretty excited at this new opportunity, as are our softball friends!

* Please remember our visiting coaches, especially as they will be dealing with some pretty intense heat while conducting the clinic/camp.  (Two of them were here last summer.  Two of them are new recruits.)

* Ask for His hand of protection to be upon us as we prepare here and then as we carry out the camp.

* Ask that we will have and seize opportunities to share not only softball but Life.

* PTL that the Paralympic leadership is supportive of this new idea to allow young people in their 20s to lead a camp!  It is very rewarding to see national sports leaders embracing new methods of sports and leadership development!

* Ask that we would receive approval for the funding we have requested through the US State Dept.

Over the past four+ years in this country, I never cease to be amazed as God continues to bless our sports work, expanding our network and opportunities for engagement.  We have many new avenues opening and others continuing to grow.  At times I feel inadequate and overwhelmed.  Ask that He would grant us wisdom and discernment to know which avenues to pursue, where to invest our energies, and especially how to do it in this unstable environment where security continues to be an issue.

Thank you!"

March 2013

Over the last week, you've probably seen news stories about events in our part of the world. On Saturday, the front page of all of the daily newspapers here had large pictures and headlines about these events. In our city, however, life has pretty much continued as normal for us. We have moved about our city, had meetings, and had opportunities to talk with a variety of folks. Last night I went to the small grocery store in our neighborhood, which is owned by two brothers. We stop by this store almost daily. In fact, one of the brothers gave a present for a birthday. As we began to talk, the conversation immediately turned to world events. The two brothers were very passionate in expressing their outrage at the violence and were insistent that this is not the true way of their religion. They were so passionate that really, all I could do was listen and offer a few comments.

Let's use these world events as an opportunity to intercede for the millions of lost m*sl'ms and to not be overcome or driven by fear. "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."

Maybe as you gather today in your weekly small group and fellowship, you can remember these pr requests that are specific to our context and to the people whom we live among and serve:

* Lift up the two brothers who own the grocery store in our neighborhood. They are quite religious, and one has gone on the Pilgrimage several times. I have been able to share a couple of stories and verses with the other but have not detected any interest on his part. Ask the Father to reveal Himself to them, awakening within them a thirst to know the Truth. Ask that I will share in boldness, guided by the Spirit.

* Lift up a recently married couple who are followers of the Way. They have a real desire to serve and expand the Kingdom by teaching what they have learned to others who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim 2:2). They have been working with another family and the Father has laid on their heart an additional family to begin visiting. Ask the Father to strengthen their marriage as they grow together in love and service. Ask the Father to guide us and we shepherd and counsel them.

* Lift up our family as we continue to live and work here. Ask the Father to guide us to persons of peace; ask for boldness and we share Good News and pray for those around us; ask that our family will be strengthened in Him.

* Lift up our sports work -- this past week, the Father has opened doors for meetings with sports federation and club officials. Tomorrow I have another important meeting with an official in the Ministry of Youth and Sport. Ask for the Father's guidance as we seek to serve these federations and prepare projects that will help them meet their needs. Ask for wisdom as we seek to discern which doors the Father is opening in sport.

Thanks for your continued partnership with us. Don't hesitate to write if you have questions or just want to say Hi.

February 2013

"Lord, teach us to pray" Lk.11.1 Sitting on the sideline of a basketball coaches training course last week, "Marcus" (one of our young volunteers) asked me to write out a prayer of thanks like the ones my colleague and I prayed at our recent Christmas party. "Marcus" had been impressed by our words and the act of praying to thank God for the meal and for friends and fellowship together. He said that is very different from what he is accustomed to, and he is drawn to it.

(Hmmm... I thought the key part of our Christmas party was reading the story in Arabic and then explaining the true meaning and ultimate purpose of the holiday! And I feared they would only remember the fun white elephant gift exchange! Obviously I had the wrong perspective!)

It's the little things that count more than we know. I confess I am not so faithful in the little things, such as giving thanks before every meal, and I have often neglected that small act whether alone or in the presence of our friends. However, it is clear that even a simple demonstration of faith is captivating their hearts.

This brief sideline conversation was a highlight for me of the hi-level basketball coaching course we coordinated together with the local Basketball leaders.  Having been here before, it was especially significant that our visiting US coach was able to build upon existing relationships. To quote him regarding our collective impact through sports in this land, he said, "There is a blanket of sp'ritual dust settling over the coaches." That definitely resonates here as the spring dust season quickly approaches, when that fine dust seems to penetrate through even the slightest crack.

The Sovereign Lrd never ceases to amaze us, as He perfectly orchestrates His plan. He has brought us through much this past fall… from project cancellations and security issues, to deeper talks of Truth with local sports partners, to contract negotiations over finances and dates, to overcoming new obstacles in obtaining visas, to the expansion and growth of our like-minded expat sports team residing here, and to refreshing trips out… He maneuvered the details to make it all fit perfectly. Though we often fail to see His hand at the time, the seemingly small things contribute to His work of wonder, as we have seen carried out in this recent hi-level basketball coaching course. His presence is clear, and He continues to reveal the path to pursue. Thus we press on.

We kicked off the new year strong with this basketball course! Now here are some things we're looking forward to in the months to come: 1. Weekly visits to the PE college, where many of our sports contacts work as professors or attend as students. This will facilitate more opportunities for language practice, as well as greater Life and Truth impact as my colleague and I seek to engage our friends at deeper levels. Specifically, I hope to spend more time with my good friend, "Mary", who is a leader in local sports and who has increasingly confided in and sought counsel from me over the past few months. 2. A trip out for vacation with my best friend the end of February. It's always important to schedule those vacations to take a break from life here! 3. Building upon our successful hi-level course, we are now coordinating another basketball coaching course to train coaches in how to teach fundamental skills to youth. Hopefully, this course will take place later in the year, pending both our US coaches and local side schedules. 4. We will have two US coaches returning to join our team in leading a youth basketball camp, followed by a multi-sport camp for orphaned youth here.

Thank you for lifting up each of these endeavors, and especially remembering "Marcus" and others of our friends whose hearts are being penetrated by Truth and Life.

In whatever He leads us to pursue, may we each be faithful to spread that blanket of sp'ritual dust even in the little things! "You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much." Mt.25.21