January 2013

Through our secular sports company, we are able to partner with many outstanding, like-minded organizations, including Athletes in Action (AIA). We are able to place their representatives safely and securely in closed, restricted-access countries, countries in which they would be unable to reside without the sports company identity we provide. We recently received this update from one such AIA representative living and working in Southeast Asia:

"I frequently meet new friends in the sports world and am amazed to hear personal stories of how AIA impacted their lives. Last month, I had the pleasure of spending two weeks with 21 coaches from 13 countries at the 4th annual AIA International Coaches Academy. Coaches came from literally all over the globe to learn how to not only improve the competitive level of their team on the court, but also how to better lead themselves, how to use their role as a coach to affect their team, federation, and country, and what it means to truly know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

I found a particularly strong connection with two of the coaches there from a National Team in Southeast Asia. On the second day of the Academy, one of those coaches pulled an old AIA lapel pin from his pocket and explained: the commissioner of his country’s basketball association, upon hearing these two men were coming to an AIA event in the States, tracked him down and asked him to bring the pin along and thank us for the role we’ve played in the history of Christianity and basketball in his country. In 1994, before his country had the current religious freedoms they enjoy, AIA sent some players and coaches there to create a Christian basketball team to be used for outreach and church planting. This man was so moved by the Americans who came and shared the gospel that he clung tightly to this tiny lapel pin for more than 20 years. It was a real joy to witness the meeting of these two men with one of the AIA staff members and former players of that team. As they swapped stories and asked how mutual acquaintances had been over the past several years, I began to wish that each of you was standing there next to me, hearing the changed-life stories and understanding how the unique combination of sports and the gospel can provide access into otherwise unreachable people groups. The legacy of AIA’s commitment to long-term, personal ministry was on full display.

I am also overjoyed to tell you that I get to be a part of the next chapter in AIA’s relations with the aforementioned country. This weekend I will fly to its capital to give a seminar to 100 high school coaches. In addition to on-court instruction, these coaches will learn how to develop leadership abilities and character in their athletes. Two AIA staff members living there will have the opportunity to follow up with these coaches, make sure they understand what it means to have a relationship with Christ, and disciple any of those who choose to walk with the Lord.

I covet your prayers as I am there walking in the steps the Lord and other AIA staff have taken before me and taking new steps toward seeing athletes and coaches there pointing their countrymen to Christ."


December 2012

We recently hosted a team of local brothers and sisters from a city in the northwest of our country. Their goal was to follow up on the work of earlier teams and to start a new work amongst another Unreached Unengaged People Group* (UUPG) here. The team helped us locate two villages of a UUPG we are working with, and helped us share the good news with some of the people living there. We had dinner with a family, dressed up in their traditional costumes, and took lots of pictures. When we came back inside after the pictures, a teammate and I began sharing with the head of the family. He said he wanted to believe, so we led him in a prayer to trust Christ. After we finished praying, I noticed another guy from the team was sharing with 3 guys sitting around him. I then noticed 2 girls from the team sharing with the wives. Before long, the team leader began to address the whole group. He clearly and passionately delivered the simple message of the cross with everyone. He shared with them our need for a Savior and how to enter into a right relationship with the Father. The Spirit moved and He moved in power. After about an hour of discussion, the two couples, their two friends, and another man huddled in a circle with us, and the team leader led them in a prayer as they gave their lives to Christ! It was an awesome evening. *A UUPG is a type of Unreached People Group (UPG), meaning it is comprised of less than a 2 percent evangelical witness. In addition, a UUPG also has no evidence of a church-planting methodology being implemented. There are approximately 3,800 UUPGs across the globe with no access to the gospel.



November 2012

The fall school semester has arrived, but temperatures are still in the upper 80s... classes have begun, and children (including our son) are in good spirits as they go back to school. People in our city are busy once again after the summer slowdown. We live surrounded by people who speak the name of God in almost every conversation: may God give you peace; may God make things easier for you; may God bless you; praise be to God, etc. These are some of the phrases that we hear every day. However, the image that folks here have of God is not a picture of who God really is. We cannot know Him apart from His Son. Our desire is to be light in the midst of these people.

God is giving us opportunities to go deeper into the community. I had a very favorable meeting with an official in the Ministry of Youth and Sport, and possibilities for sports projects are opening up. My wife has begun to help with a nutrition program for children at the hospital downtown.

We thank the Father for his faithfulness in the following:

That our son has begun and is enjoying his new preschool. For the meetings and contacts in the sports world. For the opportunity to go deeper in the community. For His protection and guidance. We lift up those with whom we will be in contact:

That He will guide us to persons of peace, who will accept the Good News. That we will be intentional in all that we do in order to make known the mystery of the Good News (Ephesians 6:19). That many will come to the true knowledge of God through His Son (John 17:3). Thanks for joining us in His work!



October 2012

We recently received this email from one of our representatives in Central Asia about a friend of his suffering persecution. Please join us in praying for this man and his family. "Dear Co-laborers in Christ,

I wanted to write you again about our friend whose fate is in question. He is a pastor from a country who suffered torture in prison there for his Christian faith. In 2007, he and his family fled their country and were granted refugee status by the UN. At that time he had the opportunity to relocate to the West, but declined in order to continue ministering the gospel to his people group living in a neighboring country.

During his time in his country, this very successful pastor has been routinely harassed and denied legal documents by the government. On September 5th, the country's police arrested him at the pressure of the government in violation of international law. He is currently in prison and we fear he will be deported at any point.

He is indeed a hero. Please be in prayer for him and his family and for the government's decision. This is a leading developing country in the region, so this will serve as a critical test-case which will have far-reaching implications on governments' treatment of religious freedom.

God bless you all!"



September 2012

Suffice it to say, our summer was jam-packed. It has been a very full, very rich, very challenging few months, and our time here has been characterized by perseverance, initiative, and hard work. We hosted 4 U.S. sports teams who played 11 different national teams. We worked with 3 short-term teams from the U.S. focused on EV and relationship building, and led 7 short-term EV trips to 12 different places. We mentored two 2-month volunteers, and completed a church basketball league. We were involved in the London Olympics, with over 80 athletes, coaches, and officials attending the Olympic Games. We have led 6 sporting events in our areas of focus, reaching out to the community, to orphans, and to some unreached people groups we are targeting. In addition to all these things, we have continued in the normal, daily rigors of evangelism, discipleship, and life-on-life with literally hundreds of folks here. On one of the short-term trips to the southwest of this country, we met up with a professional tennis player we had shared with over 2 years ago. Since that time, the Father moved in his heart, and he recently accepted JC as Lord and Savior – all unbeknownst to us!! He was so excited to share this news with us, and we had the privilege of baptizing him. It reminded me that the Father is always working even when we are not aware of it.

Our short-term trip to a very popular martial artists' Temple was outstanding, both reaching out to orphans and to young martial artists. A highlight of that trip was a meal we shared with several of the older kungfu guys (15-18 year olds). We shared with them not only about our hope in JC, but also about purity in relationships – something they had never heard of in the environment in which they live.

Though the summer was busy and crazy, God’s faithfulness, grace, and love remained steadfast. We covet your prayers as we follow His lead, one step at a time.



August 2012

If given one word, how would you describe your summer? Warm. Friendship. Fun. Renewal. Time. Devotion. Encouraged. Team. Grow. Trust. Enjoyment. Wonderful. Humble. Excellent. Here in my city, that is how our visiting US softball coaches and our resident young leadership team summed up their experiences at the first ever official softball training course and the 2-day Adaptive camp led by our young local leaders (also a first)! Thank you for being a part of making these camps a success! Each has afforded opportunities for future partnership and engagement, as these camps have given us a solid base to build upon in both hi-level softball training and in utilizing our young team of leaders to do kids' camps.

Some things you lifted up, which we saw answered were:

- Perseverance in the heat! Everyone did well and even managed to thrive under the conditions, like the long, hot drive home every day with the windows down and a "hair dryer" blowing in our face - Safety and protection. We did not have any incidents this year, and our national partners were extra cautious with security issues. PTL! - We were given opportunities to share His Truth. In fact, through these camps, we identified and encouraged a young brother who is now an active part of our sports team and is being guided in the Word by a like-minded male friend of mine here. - It was fun and rewarding to watch our young leaders rise up, grow in confidence, and learn to work together through challenges as they led the Adaptive camp. - He provided, and funding did come through for the camps! - Many reasons to praise Him, as He continues to do great things!

Overall, I would sum up this summer with the vs the Holy Spirit showed me in early June leading up to the camps: "...JC our L, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of His name among all the nations, including you who are called to belong to JC." Rm.1.5-6

We continue to run obediently in His path, humbled at His hand of favor (grace) upon our work, as He has chosen us to be His vigorous and pioneering advocates (apostles) for the sake of His name in this place.

Grace. Apostleship. Obedience. His name. Enough said.



July 2012

Unbelievable that we are approaching 2012’s half-year point!!! This year has been chock full of blessing, of challenge, of activity, of pressing back the darkness, and we your sports team, remain privileged to be in the midst of it all! Yes, sometimes in the midst of attack and weariness there is an occasional thought of lazing on a sun-drenched beach, turquoise waters rippling nearby; sipping an ice-cold Coca Cola under the breezy palm trees… But seriously, the lost are always before us, and the athletes of this great nation need to have an opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ! We want to see Jesus Christ lifted high, not only in the lives of the athletes, but with the population at large through the avenue of sport. Here are a few quick updates:

- The beginnings of a new gathering place of believers has sprouted in a nearby province at the provincial training center there! We are extremely excited about this, as much time and prayer has been invested in this location for several years now. The group has met several times already, and we hope to see their influence grow at that training center and the adjoining sports university campus.

- In addition to a couple short term M trips we’ve already taken this year with local believers, we are gearing up for a few more in the ensuing months to different parts of our country! “Go and make disciples…” is a flame that we are fanning here, and it is an incredible blessing to see brothers and sisters here sharing that passion.

- 5 new discipleship groups have begun in our midst (one of the groups is specifically for sisters), with the desire to go deeper in our understanding and passion for Christ, and with an emphasis on “walking in a manner worthy of the Lord.” Participants in these groups are being challenged to live out their God-gifted lives in practical and visible ways, and all seem to have the emphasis of GOING and SHARING the Good News of JC!

- We have seen the birth of several new believers, and rejoice as more and more people hear the Good News and give their lives over to JC. We continue to be awed and humbled that Pops continues to allow us the privilege of walking alongside Him in what He is doing here.



March 2012

In the southern part of Central Asia, our national sports ministry team organized conference for 50 representatives of two main faith-based networks of the country. On the first day, they discussed the opportunities and challenges in the country to work with children and youth. On the next day, the training was on how to use sports strategies effectively. On the third day, all participants were divided into 5 teams and went to 5 locations to practice the skills they learned during the conference...with 600 participants! Being encouraged by practical experience, on 4th day, those 5 teams wrote a plan of organizing conferences in 10 places within the next 3 months. For on- going coaching and support, the pair of mentors from the national team connected to each team to help them succeed in their plans. Please join us in praying for this part of the world!



December 2011

An extremely exciting development of our work was the preparation and sending out of 3 teams of local brothers and sisters during the summer months to partner with other like-minded believers in other parts of the country, reaching other unreached people groups and cities. The short-term projects have deepened our local believers’ understanding to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” They’ve not only come back with a passion to share, their newfound passion has been infectious with others. A special thanks to those who not only PR’ed for those trips, but also who contributed so that our local friends could go.  The week of Thanksgiving we had gatherings on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, celebrating with over 200 people!! We had students, pro athletes, actors, race car drivers, pregnant mothers, doctors, and many more gathered to enjoy this special holiday. For quite a few, it was the first time they heard about a God who loves them and who wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with them, the God for whom we give the greatest thanks. Suffice to say, it was a wonderful weekend of celebrations!  Those are just a few glimpses of the great things that Pops has been doing in and among us! We celebrate that He is moving in the hearts and minds of athletes and students around this country!



September 2011

I ended up in a parking lot while trying to sell a van - thinking it was a used car lot! One thing led to another and before long, two Chnese guys and two Mulsm guys had heard the Good News! One of the latter followed me back to the van. With an earnest look on his face, he declared "I want to have a clean heart!" Since that time, many within their relational network have heard the Good News as well. Last Thursday evening I went to a place called, "grand central", a huge open market with many 'pirated' items. What a blessing for me at one point to have the stage and permission to share the Story - from beginning to end - to the dozen or so men there at 1:30 am. What greater a blessing to hear one of those driving the conversation to declare "this is really different"? Why a blessing? While there were none ready to repent and believe, they UNDERSTOOD...and I am still "in the game" with an invitation to the celebration following the end of the fast. DO PRAY that some of the "amen-ing" in relation to the final prophet/revelation was masking question marks that might not be shared in the group. The night before last I received a text at 4:30am (saw it the next morning) from one guy asking if I was still awake??? He was one guy whom I wondered might be pondering at the heart-level.



August 2011

I have never felt such opposition in my life as I do now. Recently, when I returned from a trip, one coach who I deemed a colleague asked me why I returned. After some small talk, he asked me why I don’t coach in America. I felt that I should give an honest answer and so I told him that as a Christian, I believe the Lord has led me here to not only coach, but to help in telling others about Christ. With that, he reacted with outright hatred and anger.  His comments portrayed the sentiment I often detect in the culture at large. He told me that we and our God are not needed here. He stated that I serve the Hebrew God and that he serves his god – the people of R. This friend, with whom I’ve had many excellent friendly conversations, exploded with a vile sentiment with which even I was taken back. This experience, as well as the countless others, has really helped to remind me that my citizenship is not of this world and that we are truly laboring in enemy territory.  The areas in which our frontline reps are working are the enemy's strongholds.  It is a war.  Please pray for them, their families, and those with whom they share Truth and Light.



May 2011

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:9 One important part of our ministry is to bring the frontlines to us. We recently did this by inviting international basketball coaches to America for a high-level training course. By having the coaches on our “home court”, we were able to share our faith more openly and expose the coaches to the Gospel message through presenters’ testimonies and ministry partners’ functions. While we certainly provide them with the high-level training they expect, we also want to show them something unexpected. We want to show them the love of Christ in a way that will break through any walls built up by false teaching or preconceived ideas. Our hope is that they will be touched by the presence of Jesus in such a way that they will not be able to return home in the same spiritual condition in which they came. That they will either leave with a personal relationship with the Father through Christ or at least a desire to know more. Thanks to many prayers, this year one of the national team coaches did acept Christ! HALLELUJAH! Another coach came to the doorstep of the decision during a conversation, but had one important question that he couldn’t quite reconcile in his mind, “How can I become a Christian, when I am Muslim?” While he did not make a decision to follow Jesus during the event, the Father has continued to draw him to Himself by providing opportunities for more conversations.

Pray for our new brother as he takes his new friend, Jesus, back to his country, family, friends, and team. Pray for him to stand firm on the Word of God and not be blown to the left or the right. Pray for strength in the face of persecution that is sure to come.

Pray for the other coach. Pray that the truth he heard would penetrate his heart. Pray that his eyes will be opened to that truth through dreams and visions. Pray that our upcoming trip to his country will provide opportunity for important conversations and that it will be the time of his salvation.



April 2011

We sat on the floor in a half-circle, L’s chin resting on his palm, elbow to the floor. When L saw Jesus robed in white at the transfiguration, he said that he connected the depiction of Jesus with a white-robed figure he had often seen in his dreams…in fact this theme of the white-robed figure surfaced in our conversation at several points. Of course, I tried to bring him to recognize that it could in fact be Jesus! When we got to the Parable of the Sower, it was his turn this time to pause the DVD; he asked for explanation, saying he did not understand. Praise God, I had given him a contextualized Psalms and NT the visit before and now was able to demonstrate its value as I turned to the story and read it for him, together with Jesus’ explanation of its meaning. Satisfied, we returned to the video as I rejoiced in the rising stock of the Word in L’s heart and mind. It was after 2am when the video finally wrapped up. L’s son R had joined us halfway through – and despite his having had fever, he remained glued to the story and his father didn’t seem to mind. The one room in their tiny house was walled off by a wall that did not even reach the ceiling…where L’s wife and three young girls slept. Knowing full well that his wife was probably not sleeping but listening in as well, several times I suggested that we might be hindering their sleeping…which L continued to brush aside. With the close of the movie, I summed up the essence of the gospel. With a sense that L was stumbling over the question of whether Jesus had in fact died (most would say God miraculously saved him from the cross), in faith I declared that we would pray (and I did) that 1) he would NOT have any more nightmares (this had been the subject of much discussion), 2) he WOULD have a dream confirming Jesus’ death (this was a real step of faith for me, but I related to him the recent story of the girl who had had such a dream…this came to my mind and I felt led to “go for it,” 3) that R would wake up well and ready for school and finally 4) that he would get a job (another subject of discussion). Needless to say, after we retired for the night my friend and I prayed again…and first thing in the morning were eagerly anticipating the post-game report. Much to my disappointment, while L did have a good dream (about getting a job) he still had a bad dream…and no dream about Jesus AND R was sick in bed and not going to school! My friend and I ran the kids to school in the car, enjoying the shocked looks on the faces of parents dropping their kids off as three little head-covered girls climbed out of a vehicle manned by two white foreigners. On the way back to pick up L (and R) to go to breakfast, I expressed my disappointment with God to my colleague. “What’s wrong with you God? All we’re asking for is a single word from you…that’s all it takes! And for all we know, L and his family may be the only ones among the 90+% Muslim population of his county with access to the gospel. Later with L, I expressed my frustration with God to him. I thought it would be good for him to see some transparency and the struggle of faith. Surprisingly, L wasn’t fazed reminding me that we need to continue to have faith. The thought occurred to me that this could be an opening to address his “emergency witch doctor practices” and so I quizzed him about the source of that power, reminding him that the Enemy can deceive us leading us to bondage. He agreed with me as to the need to reject those powers as I also encouraged him to get rid of the charms. I was already beginning to see God’s hand in the silence. As we began to wind up the visit, L once again pointed to the goosebumps on his arm, relaying his confidence that the goosebumps were a reflection of God’s presence and affirmation. In fact, he went on to say that with us he did indeed feel God’s peace. Later my friend asked me if I had seen a tear in his eye…I hadn’t. The next day I noticed I had a missed call from L. That afternoon when I had a chance, I called him. “Good news!” L said. “I got a job!” “Alhumdullilah (Praise God)!” I responded. “I also did not have any bad dreams last night…in fact I had a GOOD dream. I saw the Man in White again…it was like a village feast at the end of fasting month. He told me ‘I’m freeing you.’” Wow! We talked a minute or two more as I was trying to process. He informed me that R was also back in school. Another “Alhumdullilah!” before I told him I was going to find a passage in “The Book” and then call him back. A few minutes later I called him back and we proceeded to read John 8:31-59…not sure how much he understood of some of it, but certainly the first few verses of Jesus setting us free seemed to connect. After getting off the phone, I called him back, realizing the need to “strike while the iron is hot,” specifically the need to get him in the Word on a daily basis. All to say I gave him a bit of a formula that would connect with his Islamic background: -Before reading to pray and ask God to lead him on the “Straight Path (their normal daily prayer from the first chapter of the Quran)” so that he would not be led astray. While I was trying to reinforce trust, it certainly is a great prayer. -Secondly, I told him to ask God to give him a soft heart so he could understand. -Thirdly I told him to read a chapter each day, starting with Matthew 1 -Finally I challenged him to obey God when God “put a light in his heart” (equivalent to us saying “God spoke to me about…”) While I don’t think L is in the Kingdom, it does seem safe to say he’s moving in the right direction. IF YOU HAVE READ THIS FAR, YOU CARE ENOUGH TO PRAY. DO PRAY FOR L AS THE ENEMY IS CERTAINLY NOT GOING TO WANT TO EASILY RELEASE L AND HIS FAMILY FROM HIS GRASP. Just imagine pitch dark – the blackness of night in the middle of nowhere. No moon, no stars. Now imagine a light. How bright would that light be? What impact might it have?



March 2011

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Cor. 9:8

In Dec 2009, God gave me this verse specifically in regards to my girls’ basketball program. Today I continue to claim that promise of His provision. Over the past 3 years my national staff and I have faced countless opposition as we have run the program. Through those many mountains and valleys, God has only proven faithful to sustain and provide for our every need, such that the program has been a huge success! While our sports work here began with girls’ basketball in the North, God has blessed and expanded our work to include various other sports throughout the country... basketball, soccer, volleyball, paralympic... throughout the country. With the blessing of growth comes transition and change, and at the end of March I will be moving to the country's capital. In the desire to finish well, one thing He has heavily impressed upon my heart is the importance of visiting each of my girls in their homes before I leave. During these visits, I want to seize the opportunity to encourage and affirm the girls in front of their families, share more of the Way, the Truth and the Life with them, as well as present them with a gift of the NT in their language. I am also writing a card to each girl, encouraging, affirming, and expressing my love for each of them.



February 2011

I am now working with the Country’s national TKD team as an athletic trainer. This is great for me because it uses my previous career which I am much better at than coaching soccer. The federation does not have enough money to pay me so they do not expect a lot from me. I am currently trying to work with them one morning per week which leaves plenty of time for main thing activities. They are trying to get permission for me to travel with them to the All African Games in September. They are not likely to get that permission, but I appreciate the attempt. Please pray for doors to continue to open for our rep in N. Africa, and that he is shown favor with the TKD federation.



January 2011

From a rep in SE Asia: "I am 0 for 3 so far in trying to connect "K" with someone who can mentor/disciple him nearby. This last attempt failed because I hadn’t factored in that this expat worker’s language might not be up to speed. He happens to teach in a setting where he just uses English. PRAY that God will give me wisdom and my next effort will bear fruit. In the meantime, I am going to try to do a bit more over the phone, etc. He DOES profess faith in Jesus…but I still think time will tell."

Please join us in praying for our rep and his continued "plowing" of the hard soil in SE Asia. Although our God is sovereign, the enemy has strongholds in many areas of the world and, consequently, thousands are blinded by his lies. This current reality requires perseverance, faith, and commitment; believing the Lord of the Harvest will bring it in His divine timing.



November 2010

A prayer request from a rep in Central Asia: "Please pray for me, as I seek the Lord's direction in my personal life as well. I've been really struggling with discouragement lately. I sometimes feel like nobody here wants to hear anything I have to say. I'm seeking the Lord and trying my best to obey Him and keep pure. In spite of this, I feel really despised by some here because of my faith perhaps. Realistically, I'm wondering if my time here may be coming to a close, but I don't want to bail out until I know for certain that the Lord is leading me somewhere else. I have learned that "home" is where the Lord is!!! America or any other place would be no better. I need to be walking with the Lord! Thomas asked Jesus, "Lord, we don't know where you are going. How can we know the way?"Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me." (John 14:5-6)"

Please join us in lifting up the needs of this rep. It is important to support them in prayer as they struggle to walk with the Lord while living the the enemy's strongholds.



September 2010

A testimony from a long term rep in Central Asia about a new believer in his area: "With dear believers like these, we must pray for strength, stability, and courage. And where possible, drink tea with them and encourage them as we receive encouragement. When drinking tea, we can help them process 'life' with deep questions like "what's been easy/hard for you these days?"; "what can we pray about for you as you approach these next days?"; and "can we work on a good local language spiritual song together that you can sing to yourself when you are all alone and not too happy?"

Please pray for continued discipleship and new fruit in the war torn countries of Central Asia.



August 2010

A testimony from a short term project volunteer during his trip to the Middle East: "I had a chance share the Gospel to a young woman during a softball playoff game here! Often I will watch the games in the evenings and pray for God to open chances for me to talk to people in the stands. I know my friends and family must have been praying that night because of the way this opportunity came about. Earlier that week I misplaced my Bible and so the night of the softball game I walked over to find it and bring it back with me. I think she must have seen me carrying it on the way back. I hadn't originally planned to stay for the entire game, but when I got to the softball field I felt a strong urge to stay in the stands. It seemed like no more than twenty minutes had passed before God had her come my way and, when she did, I shot up a quick prayer for God to give me wisdom during the conversation. She was writing some sort of paper for her school on different denominations in religions, and she opened with the question, "Can you tell me about the Baptists?" It seemed like God was directing things the whole way. I wasn't even pushing for chances, but the conversation allowed me to share the Gospel three different times! In the end I was able to tell her that what is important is an individual's relationship with God through Jesus."

Please pray for effective follow up and more opportunities to share the Truth.



July 2010

The Lord is currently doing a powerful work in the Middle East through our youth and adaptive sport camps. Through these camps, our representatives have built relationships that are paving the way to future projects in this area and more opportunities to share Christ! As we move forward with the relationships formed and doors opened, we ask you to consider how you can help. There is a real need for wheelchairs in war-torn countries, particularly where we currently work in the Middle East. We can put one wheelchair where it is needed most for about $150.00. If you would like to partner with us in this way, please call or email our office directly for further instructions. Join us as we praise the Lord for His continued favor in these closed countries and pray for our representatives as they spread the light of the Gospel through SPORT!
