"Spring has arrived to our corner of the world. It is one of my favorite times of the year; everything is green and full of life. However, the mood of the people here does not reflect the hope of springtime. The reason: the upcoming Presidential election. Folks say that there is no more hope; that things will never change. Looking at things with my own eyes, it’s not hard to understand their attitude. But that’s why I thank God that my future is not in the hands of men, nor in a government. My heart’s desire is that those around me would have the same hope that I have: Christ in us, the hope of glory.
Pray that in this time of uncertainty and hopelessness about the country’s future, that our brothers and sisters would be bold in sharing the Reason for the hope in their lives and the Truth that has set them free.
Pray that our brothers and sisters would be rooted in the Word of God so that they would not be tossed about by “every wind of teaching” (Eph. 4:14).
Pray that believing young adults would seek and wait on the Lord in their daily lives, not yielding to the pressures of their peers.
Pray that the hearts of believer’s family members who do not know the Savior would be ready to receive the Good News."