"Happy Fall Y'all! We have just experienced an interesting holiday here in our country. It is a religious holiday where people sacrifice animals and share the meat with family, neighbors, and the poor to earn good favor with their god. There is an open "animal market" where people purchase their sacrifice. We were able to explain to our language tutor why we would not participate nor take the sacrificed meat — then later we heard her tell another woman that we did not take the meat because we believe JESUS was the final sacrifice. We were shocked and excited to hear our language tutor explain our beliefs so well!
M. has begun working with the football team here. He is enjoying everything so far! There are around 50 college age local guys on the team so hopefully he can really build relationships with these guys. He will be spending two nights a week coaching, so ask for good chances to talk one on one with players.
We are very thankful for a new language tutor that really pushes us and cares for us. She knows no English so we work hard to use the local language. We both feel that we have progressed in language and we thank the Father. But, we still have so far to go so keep asking for His help!"