"It has been a full year thus far, replete with its share of challenges and victories. The winter melted away into spring, and we were kept busy following up with the many people who had heard the Good News during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. We saw the inception of four new men’s groups who committed themselves to gathering weekly for study, fellowship and community building. At the same time, a women’s group continued to dive into the Word, as well as learn to invest in each other’s lives.
Workers continue to invest deeply in the lives of believers and non-believers alike, and are establishing a promising work at the second large sports university. They have poured countless hours into the students there through English corners, sports activities, and many other activities, and have a weekly Good Book study focused on that school. In addition to these things, they do a great job with the management of our sports company, keeping us legal and accountable with all the government regulations; and also spend rich time investing in the women believers, and also teach English on a regular basis.
Many hours have been invested in our local partners, and they continue to follow JC with a passion and willingness that is such an encouragement and motivation to those of us who are working alongside them. They are leading with great passion in our small groups, in our weekly meetings, in our PR times, in our outreach programs, in Sunday services, in short term mission trip planning, in sharing with the lost, just to name a few. They are working tirelessly to bring the Good News to the athletes and other people of this great country. In addition, they have been busy training up other local leaders and other believers in different provinces in sports ministry. It has been an incredible blessing living life-on-life with these guys, and we are privileged to be walking alongside these committed brothers and sisters."