A testimony from a short term project volunteer during his trip to the Middle East: "I had a chance share the Gospel to a young woman during a softball playoff game here! Often I will watch the games in the evenings and pray for God to open chances for me to talk to people in the stands. I know my friends and family must have been praying that night because of the way this opportunity came about. Earlier that week I misplaced my Bible and so the night of the softball game I walked over to find it and bring it back with me. I think she must have seen me carrying it on the way back. I hadn't originally planned to stay for the entire game, but when I got to the softball field I felt a strong urge to stay in the stands. It seemed like no more than twenty minutes had passed before God had her come my way and, when she did, I shot up a quick prayer for God to give me wisdom during the conversation. She was writing some sort of paper for her school on different denominations in religions, and she opened with the question, "Can you tell me about the Baptists?" It seemed like God was directing things the whole way. I wasn't even pushing for chances, but the conversation allowed me to share the Gospel three different times! In the end I was able to tell her that what is important is an individual's relationship with God through Jesus."

Please pray for effective follow up and more opportunities to share the Truth.
