If given one word, how would you describe your summer? Warm. Friendship. Fun. Renewal. Time. Devotion. Encouraged. Team. Grow. Trust. Enjoyment. Wonderful. Humble. Excellent. Here in my city, that is how our visiting US softball coaches and our resident young leadership team summed up their experiences at the first ever official softball training course and the 2-day Adaptive camp led by our young local leaders (also a first)! Thank you for being a part of making these camps a success! Each has afforded opportunities for future partnership and engagement, as these camps have given us a solid base to build upon in both hi-level softball training and in utilizing our young team of leaders to do kids' camps.
Some things you lifted up, which we saw answered were:
- Perseverance in the heat! Everyone did well and even managed to thrive under the conditions, like the long, hot drive home every day with the windows down and a "hair dryer" blowing in our face - Safety and protection. We did not have any incidents this year, and our national partners were extra cautious with security issues. PTL! - We were given opportunities to share His Truth. In fact, through these camps, we identified and encouraged a young brother who is now an active part of our sports team and is being guided in the Word by a like-minded male friend of mine here. - It was fun and rewarding to watch our young leaders rise up, grow in confidence, and learn to work together through challenges as they led the Adaptive camp. - He provided, and funding did come through for the camps! - Many reasons to praise Him, as He continues to do great things!
Overall, I would sum up this summer with the vs the Holy Spirit showed me in early June leading up to the camps: "...JC our L, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of His name among all the nations, including you who are called to belong to JC." Rm.1.5-6
We continue to run obediently in His path, humbled at His hand of favor (grace) upon our work, as He has chosen us to be His vigorous and pioneering advocates (apostles) for the sake of His name in this place.
Grace. Apostleship. Obedience. His name. Enough said.