"Hey all, just got back from a training and hit the ground running with back to back weddings and a really important team meeting as we look to the next year and some change of foci. I could use your prayer on a few things:
- with the conference and traveling I let my dedicated times with Abba fall to the wayside and i'm suffering spiritually for it.
- we're back at the rent contract problem again! Our building has transferred ownership and now we have no contract. I'm meeting with one of their representatives tomorrow and could use some favor
- still working to get the sports club off the ground but hiccups keep slowing things down. Please be praying for me to be able to get it kicked off and wisdom for how much time to give to it
- for our team as we move forward, that we would individually and corporately be able to discern in what ways to focus our efforts and best position ourselves to be used by the Father over the next year"