"If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied."

-1 Cor. 15:19

During our recent project in the Middle East, we had the pleasure of asking some of the local people about their lives, their future, and how they perceived their nation's current state of affairs.  One point that was repeated by all of them is the overall sense of hopelessness that they felt for their and their country's future.  As you can imagine, this topic is one that led directly into an opportunity to share about our source of hope, Jesus Christ.

Since our return, the Spirit has brought to mind those conversations on several occasions.  I have been forced to ask myself the question, "Where, and on whom, do I honestly place my hope?"  It seems easy to say that my hope is in Jesus Christ.  But is it really in all of the stability, safety, freedom, and luxuries that I enjoy as a 'wealthy' American?  While I am certainly thankful for all of those things, I know they are temporary, and that my hope in Jesus is not "in this life only".

Please pray for the people of the war-torn Middle East.  Pray that the Father will show them the hope that He has made available to them through His son.  Pray that the seeds that were planted during the sports projects will endure and flourish.  Pray for spiritual breakthrough and a harvest to be seen in these dark, hardened places!
