"I hope you are doing well and staying strong, focused on the Lord and joining Him in His mission. Please pray for those on the field as we labor among populations where the gospel is not so known. This is a tremendous task as well as a sacred responsibility.Please remember to pray for others and me on the field. As Jesus proclaimed in John 15:1-10, without Him we can do nothing. Please pray that the Lord give us His grace and mercy and use us all to His full potential and help us during difficulties. God is at work. It is a privilege to continue to serve Him. I'm trying my best to fully give myself to Him, to be dead to self and out of the way, in order that His Spirit may live in and through me and reach this world around me for Him.Please pray most of all for the people here, that they will embrace Christ and make Him known. History is truly being made and God is changing the culture. I am so thankful how the culture is changing. The government failed to deliver the promised utopia. The entire society collapsed - morally, socially and economically. We are still paying the high price in daily life in many respects. This serves as a warning to the West, which I have communicated in previous emails and letters.
Today many of the people - especially the young people - are open to the faith. Postmodernism, Darwinism and Marxism is not being propagated here like in the West. The people here have learned firsthand that ideas do indeed have consequences.
They are hungry for real truth, yet are still in many respects still shackled by the lies left behind from communist thinking. It will take some time, but things are changing. Personally, please pray for me, that God will keep me pure and my heart 100% His. Please pray for me as I begin continuing studies online here in my new platform, God willing, leading to more teaching and writing. God has began opening doors in this area, as this culture is in great need of hearing the truth and how it applies to all spheres of His influence - art, music, science, business, government and culture.
The Lord has opened doors publishing here locally and lecturing in some of the universities. I'm excited and enjoying it. This may be the new door the Lord is opening for me and so I ask your prayers accordingly. God bless you as well in your mission field - wherever you live, your work and most importantly your family!
May the Lord grant all of us to be faithful about the task He has commissioned us to!"