Uttermost Sports had the privilege of being invited to be a part of the IMB's South Asia NOW conference at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, TX last week. And because I am the Director of Partnerships, I had the privilege of going to represent Uttermost -- getting to man our conference booth, share what God is doing through our sports business, and meet people who want to use their sports skills to reach the lost in South Asia. Seeing God expand the vision people have about what missions can look like and how our unique backgrounds can be used overseas was so exciting.
There are tragedies around the world everyday but sometimes - most times - we are able to blissfully ignore it. This week was not one of those times. There have simply been too many overt examples of our world breaking in front of our very eyes. Quite literally the earth crumbled beneath our feet in Nepal where over 4000 people lost their lives in a massive earthquake. And as we watched Baltimore burned to the ground on national TV, we are left to wonder which started first, police corruption or desperate violence?
By way of announcement, the Bryan family welcomed in our newest member last week. Little Beaux Bryan was born last Monday. Mom and Beaux are doing great. He enjoys sleeping, eating, and confusing days and nights. He is drop dead gorgeous, slightly yellow, and has a head in the 99th percentile. Little dude will be visiting the Uttermost office any day now. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers the last few days.
I was chewing on John 1 the other day, particularly the end of verse 14 where John describes Jesus as being full of grace and truth. So many times my mind glosses over those words simply because years of vacation bible school and summer camp have lumped all bible vocabulary into one giant category of overused cliches. But the depth and genius of what John is actually saying is huge. The 'Left' like the Grace Jesus - endlessly merciful, meek and mild, patient with us in our struggles. While the 'Right' have always emphasized Truth Jesus - the exclusive, narrow road, non-negotiable Lord.
Last night Duke beat Wisconsin to win the National Championship... again. With Coach K at the helm, the Blue Devils have won 5 national championships in 10 finals appearances, with 12 final fours, 12 ACC regular season titles, 13 ACC tournament titles and oh, two gold medals on the side. What Coach K has done to dominate through several different eras of college basketball is "Woodenesque." He's had NBA talent, a solid fan base and plenty of good luck but what makes Coach K incredible is his ability to adapt and reinvent Duke without compromising his standards. That's what Uttermost wants to do in the sports missions world.
Holy week is upon us once again. Easter is still a big deal state-side, even if the spiritual significance is muted by our overwhelming American noise. I cant help but think about our reps in the field - operating in cultures where the single greatest feat in human history goes unnoticed and uncelebrated. Pray for our workers, not only for their continued encouragement on this holy occasion but that the Spirit would begin to draw people to himself - from all nations - to worship the risen Christ.